Monday, September 20, 2010

"You did what?!"

Confrontation isn’t something that most people enjoy. I mean really, who likes having to tell someone that we think they are doing something wrong. No matter how you chose to go into the confrontation, no one likes it. It is just not a fun subject to talk about. I do believe that confrontation is something that we all have to do sometime in our life, and it shouldn’t go unmentioned.
      For most of us confrontation isn’t something we can avoid. The way you confront someone is so important. You can choose to send a letter, write an email, call them on the phone, or confront them face to face. Although some of those choices might not be the best way to handle the situation. When writing an email words don’t always come out the way you plan. People can read way into the message and create something monstrous when you were only trying to resolve the problem. Phone calls aren’t foolproof but you can hear the tone of voice: although, you can’t see the other person’s facial expressions.
       When confronting people I chose to use the method of face to face. You don’t have someone reading in to what you are saying, you can see their face and you can be real. This has to be the hardest method to use. I know for me I don’t want to come out sounding like the bad guy, or the one throwing all the blame. I just want to get in there tell them what I think and it be all better. Really, I don’t think that it too much to ask. I know from experience that is not what always happens though.
      Confrontation takes courage and an open heart for anything that might come out of the conversation. No one likes drama and avoiding that is hard, especially in these wonderful high school years. No fear, it is quite possible. Going into the confrontation conversation, make sure you know what you are going to say. You don’t have to write it out, but have an idea. That way you won’t butcher a relationship that might already has some tension. Confrontation, in the end, could be just the thing you need.

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