Thursday, November 4, 2010

What's been happening with my netvibes account?

Well, I have definitely not checked my netvibes account in, what feels like, ages. The update on my Oklahoma Sooner’s is good though! Although, they got beat by Missouri a few week ago. Those fans had to be the hardest thing I faced the next day. I just wanted to hall off and punch them, square in the jaw, but I kept my cool. The rest of the sports teams seem to be doing well and my site for flute music has a bunch of new songs. I’m not sure if I’ll ever play those songs, but they are fun to look at.
     I still have managed to avoid learning how to play Sudoku. No matter how hard I try I can’t figure out how to play. I also have a problem in patience and I get frustrated too easily, so I just gave up on that one. My site for dancing has no news feed, sad day. I guess I won’t be learning how to dance either. On the other hand, the verse for the day on Bible Gateway is 2 Corinthians 3:6- “He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant—not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.”
      Jon Acuff’s “Stuff Christians Like” is just hilarious. He posted on finding out that Justin Bieber was a Christian, and the rarest church musician of all time. In the blog about Justin he stated three things about how people might treat him now that he has said this- People are going to “Bono” him, People are going to Brittan him, and People are going to think Ludicrous is next. The guy is just hysterical.
        Acuff’s post today was on organs. He talks about all the reason why you would want to play the organ, in the kindest way to make fun of someone. If you haven’t read this guys stuff, I would advise you to. After searching through my netvibes account, I guess netvibes isn’t so bad after all.

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